

Our program currently follows a 4+1 schedule, with 4 weeks of floor/ICU/Elective rotation followed by 1 week of ambulatory clinic rotation. This has improved educational experience of our residents because there is no overlap between the ambulatory clinic and  the rotation they are on.


PGY I – “Knowledge Application” Year


 The following chart indicates the required duration of each rotation.

Rotation Duration of a block Number of blocks
General Medical Floor 4 weeks 5
General Medical Floor- Night Rotation 4 weeks 1
Medical ICU 4 weeks 2
Ambulatory Clinic Throughout the year One-half day a week
Medicine Subspecialty 4 weeks 3
Elective 4 weeks 2
Vacation 1-4 weeks 3x1wk/1wk+2wk/1x3wk
Multi-Disciplinary Module (MDM) 4 weeks  
Resident-Teaching Skills Retreat Two-day (one night) away from hospital retreat for immersion in the Stanford University medicine teaching skills course developed by Dr. Kelly Skeff.


PGY II – “Knowledge Expansion” Year 

The following chart indicates the required duration of each rotation.

Rotation duration of a block Number of blocks
General Medical Floor 4 weeks 3
General Medical Floor- Night Rotation 4 weeks 1
Medical ICU 4 weeks 2
Ambulatory Clinic Throughout the year, except in MICU rotation One half a day a week
Emergency Medicine 4 weeks 1
Medicine Subspecialty 4 weeks 3
Elective 4 weeks 2
Vacation 1-4 weeks One week each or in combination


PGY III- “Knowledge Consolidation” Year

The following chart indicates the required duration of each rotation.

Rotation Duration of a block Number of blocks
General Medical Floor 4 weeks 2
Night Medical Floor-Night Rotation 4 weeks 1
Medical ICU 4 weeks 1
Medical ICU Night Rotation 4 weeks 1
Ambulatory Clinic Throughout the year, except in MICU rotation and night rotation One half a day a week
Medicine Subspecialty 4 weeks 3
Elective 4 weeks 2
Vacation 1-4 weeks One week each or in combination

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